čtvrtek 21. července 2016

Jeans dress

Letosni letni slevy jsem si celkem uzila a doplnila si tak satnik, ktery jsem celkem protridila. Nutno podotknout, ze jsem si poridila veci, ktere jsem uz delsi chtela a mile mi prekvapilo, ze byly jeste k dispozici. Jednim z kousku byly i tyto dzinove saty, ktere jsem si poridila pri sve prvni navsteve COS a byla to laska na prvni pohled. 
Co na ne rikate?
I really enjoy this year's summer sales and fulfilled my closet which I sorted before moving to the new flat. I have to say I bought clothes which I wanted quite long time and I was surprised they were still available in my size. One of them was this denim dress which I found during during my first visit in COS and it was love for the forst sight.
How do you like it?

COS dress
Bata shoes
F&F handbag
Michael Kors sunglasses

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