pondělí 25. července 2016

Pink open back top

Ruzovy top je dalsi ze slevovych ulovku a jak uz jsem psala v jednom z predeslych clanku, tak i ten byl na seznamu. Ne tedy presne tento, ale potrebovala jsem top, ktery jde vzit k sukni, tak i ke kalhotam. U tohoto se mi libi resena zada, ktery jsou otevrena, ale tim, ze je top podsity, tak zada nejsou videt, coz je vyhoda, kdyz ho chci vzit do prace. Nemam predepsany dress code, ale i presto se snazim chodit primerene oblecena.
Myslim, ze si dobre rozumi se zakladni barevnou skalou jako je seda, bila, cerna a modra - barvy, ktere na kalhotech a suknich oblekam nejcasteji.
This pink top is another piece from sales and as I wrote in one of previous posts, it was on the shopping list. No exactly this one but I needed top which can be worn with skirt and also with pants, I like the open back but thanks the second layer naked back are not visible. So I can also wear it to the work. I don't have a dress code but I almost always keep some dress code.
In my opinion it looks perfect with colours such as grey, white, blck and blue - the colour which I wear at most on pants or on skirts.

čtvrtek 21. července 2016

Jeans dress

Letosni letni slevy jsem si celkem uzila a doplnila si tak satnik, ktery jsem celkem protridila. Nutno podotknout, ze jsem si poridila veci, ktere jsem uz delsi chtela a mile mi prekvapilo, ze byly jeste k dispozici. Jednim z kousku byly i tyto dzinove saty, ktere jsem si poridila pri sve prvni navsteve COS a byla to laska na prvni pohled. 
Co na ne rikate?
I really enjoy this year's summer sales and fulfilled my closet which I sorted before moving to the new flat. I have to say I bought clothes which I wanted quite long time and I was surprised they were still available in my size. One of them was this denim dress which I found during during my first visit in COS and it was love for the forst sight.
How do you like it?

pondělí 18. července 2016

Pleated maxi dress

Dala jsem si neplanovane mensi blogovaci pauzu a uvidime, jak to pujde dal. Pred dvema tydny jsem se prestehovala do noveho bytu a vetsinu tydne jsme s muzem stravili malovanim a uklidem. Zarizeny je zatim hodne minimalisticky, protoze vetsinu nabytku budu mit az koncem srpna nebo zacatkem zari. Koncem minuleho tydne jsme zajeli do Ikea a mimo malickosti mam uz i velke zrcadlo a kam ukladat boty.
Kdyz jsem skoro po roce vzala na sebe tyto saty, tak jsem si razem vzpomnela na lonskou sluzebni cestu do Barcelony, odkud jsem si je take privezla. Letos toho nenacestujeme tolik jako loni, hlavne kvuli stehovani a vybaveni bytu, ale pristi rok to hodlam napravit.
I took small unplanned pause from blog and we will see I will it look in the future. Two weeks ago I moved to new flat and most of the week we painted and cleaned the flat. Currently I don't have here much furniture because everything should be completed at the end of August or at the beginning of September.. At the end of last week we went to Ikea and among the small things I have place for storing of my shoes and big mirror.
When I wore this dress almost after a year I remembered my last year business trip to Barcelona where I also bought this dress. This year we don't travel so much as previous year because of the moving and purchase of the furniture but next year I want to travel more again.

neděle 3. července 2016

On the bridge

Minuly vikend jsem do Cech nejela a uzila si tak s muzem prijemny vikend, kdy jsem si naprosto uzasne odpocinula. Diky tomu se podarilo nafotit fotky ve meste, kde pracuju. V nedeli moc velke horko nebylo a sukne v midi delce se ukazala jako spravna volba.
Konecne se mi podarilo sehnat byt. Kveten a cerven jsem totiz bydlela u kolegyne v prazdninovem apartmanu. Oblast, kde bydlim, je oblibene rekreacni stredisko diky jezerum a je tu sice dost prazdninovych apratmanu, ale bytu malo a cenove se to podoba Norimberku. Navic Nemci jsou celkem prisni pri vyberu budoucich najemniku. Ted bydlim priblizna 20 km od prace, ale mesto je o trochu vetsi a tudiz je tu i vetsi moznost vyziti. Sice uz to nemam kousek k jezeru, ale tam muzu vyrazit po praci.
Last weekend I didn't went to Czech, I stood in Germany and I enjoyed great relaxed weekend with my husband. Thanks to it we shooted photos in the city where I work. On sunday it wasn't hot, so I put the midi skirt which was right choice.
Finaly I found the appartment. In May and in June I lived in holiday appartment at my collegue. The place where I live is very favourite holiday destination thanks to the lakes. There are a lot of summer and holiday appartments but not so much flats and the prices are similar as in Nuremberg.
 Moreover Germans are very strict when they choose who will live in their flat. Currently I live 2o km from my work but this city a little bit bigger, therefore there are more things to do. Though it isn't near to the lake but I can go there after work.