úterý 28. června 2016

As wedding guest in black and white

Predminuly vikend jsme byli opet na svatbe jednem pratelum, ktera byla ladena do oranzove barvy. Vzdy se snazim na svatbu ladit do stejne nebo podobne barvy, ale oranzoveho momentalne nic nemam a navic si nemyslim, ze by oranzova patrila mezi barvy, ktere mi slusi. Takze jsem se rozhodla pro cernobile saty a do vlasu jsem si dala oranzovou stuzku. Cela svatba se konala venku, takze jsem si vzala boty na klinku, protoze v podpatcich bych se borila do travniku.
Po peti letech jsem videla opet dva skvele kamarady. Kamaradka mela cernobile prouzkovane saty, ale trochu jine nez ja a samozrejme to nezustalo bez poznamek ze strany nekterych svatebcanu. Pry, ze jsme zebry a jestli jsme se nahodou nedomluvily. Nikdo nam ale nechtel verit, ze je to jen nahoda a navic ja ani nevedela, ze tam tato kamaradka bude.
Pre-last weekend I visited wedding of one friends which was in orange colour. I always try to match with the colour of the wedding but I don't have anything orange and moreover I don't think the orange is my colour. Therefore I decided to wear black and white sriped dress and just added orange ribbon in my hair. The wedding was outside on the grass, therefore I wore shoes on the platform and not the heels.
I met there two great friends who I haven't seen for five years. The friend had black and white striped dress but it was different than mine and we heard some comments from wedding guests like we are zebras and we planned to wear similar dresses. Nobody wanted to believe us it's a random thing and moreover I hadn't known that this friend would be at this wedding, too.

F&F dress and handbag
CCC shoes
gifted earrings from my sister

5 komentářů:

  1. Velmi hezké, ale celé příliš konzervativni. Tady bych jiné, vyšší botky určitě vyžadoval. Šaty skvělé!

    1. Chápu, že to každému nemusí být po chuti. Podpatky by byly samozřejmě lepší, ale v té trávě bych je zničila...


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