čtvrtek 30. června 2016

Shirt dress

Idealni kousek do horkeho leta jsou kosilove saty. Ty vypasovane jsou jako delane do prace, volnejsi strihu jsou pak idealni na lnocasove noseni. Ja preferuji radeji ty, kde je zvyrazneny pas.
Cernou nebo tmavsi barvy oblekam ve dny, kdy mi ceka nejake delsi zarizovani. Nemam totiz rada, kdyz specham, davat jeste velky pozor na to, abych se nekde neumazala.
Vzala bych podobne saty jeste v sede nebo bezove. Pokud mate tip, kam na ne, tak sem s nim. Do slev jsem se podivala akorat ted v utery a odnesla si dva krasne kousky, ktere vam ukazu v nekterem z pristich clanku.
The another great piece into hot summer days is shirt dress. This which fit perfectly and makes nice waist is perfect to the work, the oversized one is ideal for non formal occasions.
I wear black or dark clothes when I hurry up and don't want care too much if I make something dirty.
I also want this dress in grey or beige. If you have an idea where to buy it, please, give me information. i watched sales only this Tuesday and bought two beautiful pieces which I show you in next posts.

úterý 28. června 2016

As wedding guest in black and white

Predminuly vikend jsme byli opet na svatbe jednem pratelum, ktera byla ladena do oranzove barvy. Vzdy se snazim na svatbu ladit do stejne nebo podobne barvy, ale oranzoveho momentalne nic nemam a navic si nemyslim, ze by oranzova patrila mezi barvy, ktere mi slusi. Takze jsem se rozhodla pro cernobile saty a do vlasu jsem si dala oranzovou stuzku. Cela svatba se konala venku, takze jsem si vzala boty na klinku, protoze v podpatcich bych se borila do travniku.
Po peti letech jsem videla opet dva skvele kamarady. Kamaradka mela cernobile prouzkovane saty, ale trochu jine nez ja a samozrejme to nezustalo bez poznamek ze strany nekterych svatebcanu. Pry, ze jsme zebry a jestli jsme se nahodou nedomluvily. Nikdo nam ale nechtel verit, ze je to jen nahoda a navic ja ani nevedela, ze tam tato kamaradka bude.
Pre-last weekend I visited wedding of one friends which was in orange colour. I always try to match with the colour of the wedding but I don't have anything orange and moreover I don't think the orange is my colour. Therefore I decided to wear black and white sriped dress and just added orange ribbon in my hair. The wedding was outside on the grass, therefore I wore shoes on the platform and not the heels.
I met there two great friends who I haven't seen for five years. The friend had black and white striped dress but it was different than mine and we heard some comments from wedding guests like we are zebras and we planned to wear similar dresses. Nobody wanted to believe us it's a random thing and moreover I hadn't known that this friend would be at this wedding, too.

pátek 24. června 2016

DIY: Off shoulder top

Letos snad jeste vic nez loni jsou jednim z hlavnich trendu odhalena ramena. Jeden off shoulder top uz jsem si sila loni, ale poslala jsem ho dal a letos jsem se rozhodla usit si jeste jeden s trochu delsimi rukavy. Latku jsem dostala v byvale praci v Cechach od jedne mile kolegyne, takze top mi stal pouze dva vecery prace. Latka je ale prusvitna a protoze chci top nosit i do prace, tak jsem cast pres trup usila z dvojite latky. Diky variabilite ho muzu nosit nejen jako top s odhalenymi rameny, ale i jako top s lodickovym vystrihem.
A protoze mi tento trend neskutecne bavi, tak si usiju jeste saty. I kdyz posledni dny je pro me na jedne strane celkem tezke zasednout ke stroji, protoze venku je tak nadherne a je dlouho videt, ze cas po praci travim nejradeji u jezera, co nejdele to jde. Ale sit chci taky, tak premyslim, jak to skloubit dohromady.
Co vy a trend odhalenych ramen?
This year maybe more than last year the main trend of the season are off shoulders. I sewed one off shoulder top last year but I sent it away and this year I decided to sew another one with sleeves. I got the fabric in last job from one nice colleague, so i spent only two evenings with sewing. The fabric is transparent therefore the part on body is double layered and I can wear it also to the work. It#s variable I can wear it as a off shoulder top or as a classic one.
I like this off shoulder trend so much and therefore I decided to sew dress. Lately it's quite difficult for me to sit at the sewing machine because the real summer is finally here nad I spend time after work by the lake as long as it is possible. But on the other hand I also want to sew and I'm thinking how to solve it.
What about you and off shoulder trend?

sobota 18. června 2016

In garden full of roses

Pokud nekdo umi pestovat ruze, tak je to rozhodne muj tchan. Zahradu maji sice malou, ale ruzi je tam celkem dost a vetsina z nich nadherne voni. Kvetou pomerne dlouho a za tu dobu, co je maji, tak jsem si nevsimla, ze by je neco napadlo. Proste muzovo tatinek se o ne dobre stara. Loni udelali branku a nechavaji obrust ruzemi.
V Nemecku mi zacaly kvetiny schazet, tak jsem si koupila ted kytici pivonek a byt je hned hezci. V Cechach jsem byla zvykla nosit si kvetiny ze zahrady a tady si cas od casu neco  koupim. Navic mi prijde, ze kvetiny jsou tu levnejsi nez v Cechach.
If someone can care about the roses it's definetely my father in law. They have small garden but they have enough roses and most of them smell so nice. Last year they made a gate and let the roses grow around it.
I started to miss flowers in Germany. so I bought a bouquet of peonies and my flar looks much more beautiful. I was used to have flowers from graden in Czech and here I buy some fresh flowers sometimes. Moreover in my opinion flowers are cheaper here,

čtvrtek 16. června 2016

Dots and pink

Po roce je tu opet cas na puntikovanou sukni a kdyz jsem slibovala, ze pridam vic barev, tak tentokrat s tmave ruzovym topem. Pred stehovanim do Nemecka jsem vyradila spoustu veci a premyslela jsem i nad touto sukni a nakonec to neudelala. Nosim ji rada a zboznuju na ni kapsy. Vlastne, kdyz si ted siji sirsi sukni nebo saty se sirsi sukni, tak pridavam i kapsy, protoze jsou neuveritelne prakticke. V praci do nich dam telefon a kapesniky a muzu trajdat cely den mimo kancelar.
After year I wore again dotted skirt and I promised to wear more colours, so I added top in dark pink. Before moving to Germany I sorted out many clothes and I thought also about this skirt but finally I didn't do it. I like to wear and I adore the pocker. Actually when I sew some skirt odr dress with wider (skater) skirt I always make the pockets because they are very useful. I put phone and tissues in them and then can be whole day out of the office.

úterý 14. června 2016

Outfit: Stripes on stripes

V minulem slanku jsem slibila, ze dalsi outfit bude barevnejsi, ale pastelove barvy se nekonaji. 
Podobne kombinace jsou idelani na volnocasove noseni a s kosili by se sukne dala vzit i do prace, pokud nemate predepsany dress code. Ja ho nemam, ale kdyz jdu v sukni, tak budim pozornost. Pracuje hlavne s muzi, ale mam samozrejme i nejake kolegyne, ktere avsak sukne ani saty prilis nenosi. Kdyz jdu ale do laboratore nebo do vyroby, tak stejne musim nosit plast. Diky tomu to obcas vypada, ze pod plastem nemam nic, haha.
Tahle kombinace ve me evokuje dovolenou, teply vitr ve vlasech, slany vzduch, more, prochazky po pristavu, okukovani lodi a dlouhe vecere. Na dovolenou si ale budu muset nejaky mesic jeste pockat. ani ne tak kvuli me, ale kvuli muzovi. Zatim ale muzu podobne outfit nosit u jezera, ktere je nedaleko a restaurace se uz zacinaji pomalu plnit, takze zacina i takova ta spravna prazdninova nalada.
I promised in last post that the next post will be more colorful but you don't find any pastel colours. This combination is perfect as casual wearing and if you wear the skirt with shirt, it's can be worn to the work in case you don't have prescribed dress code. I don't have it but when I wear the skirt, the colleagues look surprised. I work mostly with men but I also have some women colleagues but they don't often wear skirts or dress. When I go to laboratory or to the production I have to take a coat and then sometimes it looks like I don't wear anything under the coat, lol.
This outfit remembers me holiday, warm wind in hair, salty air, sea, walk in the port, watching ships nad long dinners. I have to wait for holiday a couple of monthsnot because of but because of my husband. On the other hand I can wear such outfits to the lake which is near and there are slowly more and mor people in the restaurants, so man can feel the right holiday mood in the air. 

čtvrtek 9. června 2016

Dark blue is new black

Tmave modra si v mem staniku nasla uz sve stale misto stejne jako tyto saty. Kupovala jsem je loni a cost per wear se mi u nich vyplaci cim dal vic. Mela jsem je na vyrazeni muzovo sestry po maturite. Je neuveritelne, jak cas rychle leti. Kdyz jsem se s muzem seznamila, tak chodila jeho sestra na prvni stupen a ted uz je z ni dospela slecna.
Mohlo by se zdat, ze letos skoro nenosim pastelove barvy, ale pravda je takova, ze se mi v satniku zabydlela seda, ke ktere bych rada pridala jeste bezovou a navic ne vzdy se podari mi vyfotit v barevnejsim outfitu. Ten pristim ale bude veselejsi, slibuji.
Dark blue found its place in my closet and this dress, too. I bought them last year and cost per wear is lower. I wore them to the prom of my husband's sister. Unbelievable how the time is running. When I started to date with my man, she was a little girl who went to the elementary school and now she is is adult miss.
It seems I don't almost wear pastel colour but the truth is I have a lot of pieces in grey to which I would like to add beige tones and it depends when we shoot the outfit. I promise next outfit will be more colourful.

úterý 7. června 2016

Lace shoes

Snerovaci boty jsou letosnim hitem a i kdyz se snazim nakupovat si nadcasove veci, tak tento trend se mi natolik zalibil, ze jsem je pri objednavce blazeru z bukle pridala do kosiku. Zamerne jsem zvolila nizkou variantu, protoze posledni rok se vydavam pesky, kdyz to jde a na to vysoke podpatky nejsou idelani. Navic kdyz je krasne, zboznuju prochazky po mistnim centru.
Saty jsem tu jiz nekolikrat ukazovala a kdyz jsme fotili outfit, tak se mi muz zeptal, po kolikate, ze uz je fotime. Ony se ale skvele nosi diky materialu i strihu.
Lace shoes is hot trend of this year and even I buy timeless pieces, I bought them together with boucle blazer. I chose the flat shoes because last year I often walk as soon as it is possible and the high heels are not suitable for longer walks. Moreover when it is sunny, I love to walk here in the centre.
I showed this dress here many times  and when we shooted this outfit, my husband asked me, how many times we shoot this dress. It is perfect thanks to the fabric and also the cut.

pátek 3. června 2016

Bits & Pieces: May

Mame uz tu cerven a ja jsem celkem prekvapena, jak rychle kveten utekl. Prislo mi, ze jsem nove praci tyden nebo dva a on je to mesic. Vsechny kvetnove vikendy jsem travila v Cechach, protoze diky svatkum jsem mela nekolikrat prodlouzeny vikend, nebo byla nejaka akce. Takze jsem ani nemela moc casu prohlednout si mesto, protoze pres tyden jsem stale neco zarizovala a kdyz bylo hezky, tak jsem nazula tenisky nebo brusle a vyrazila k nedalekemu jezeru, kde je ted jeste celkem prazdno, ale myslim, ze za mesic uz to bude uplne jinak. Hned napoprve jsem natrefila na tu nejlepsi pekarnu a cukrarnu, ktera slouzi zaroven i jako kavarna a da se sem zajit i na lehky obed. Takze neni divu, ze se tam minimalne jednou tydne zastavim a koupim si neco dobreho k snidani. :)

středa 1. června 2016

Outfit: The perfect blazer

Blazer z bukle ve chanelovskem stylu jsem hledala dlouho, ale zadny mi bohuzel nesedl. Asi mesic jsem jsem na tento koukala na strankach Zary, pred dvema tydny jsem ho objednala a byla jsem prijemne prekvapena jak skvele mi padnul. Myslela jsem, ze ho obleknu az na konci leta, nicmene minuly tyden na nej bylo pocasi jako delane a na chladnejsi jarni vecery je take idealni.
Vypada skvele, jak k suknim, tak i ke kalhotam. A pokud mi masle prestane bavit, tak se da odstranit, ale zatim se mi libi.
Boucle blazer in Chanel style I searched long time but unfortunately anoyone didn't me fit. I watched this one many times on Zara websides, finally I ordered it two weeks ago and I was surprised it fits me perfectly. I thought I'll wear it at the end of summer but last week was quite cold and I think it is also ideal for colder spring evenings.
It matches great with skirt and also with pants. And if I will not like the bow, I can remove it but currently I love it.